Aquaponics for Africa

We've been aiming to help people. Aquaponics can help the absolutely poorest people get food. Moreover, the best food possible. Africa still lacks food, education and fair cooperation. Despite the tremendous help coming to Africa from the West, the basic system of cooperation is poorly set and disadvantageous for Africans. We are coming up with a courageous project to support African independence.

In Africa, we are going to build not only aquaponic farm, we are also going to help develop the entire network of accompanying services. This will ensure long-term sustainability, a constant income for local people and will allow ordinary, good people of Europe and the USA  to pay transparently for the products made by working people in Africa. With our partners in Africa, the EU and the US, we have prepared a project that everyone can get  involve in. Using crowdfunding, we can finance the first phase and offer future benefits to all good people who will help start this project.

Project plan:

  • Build a network of aquaponic farms in many African countries.
  • Employ local staff
  • Locally process part of farm products and sell them on EU and US markets under a special brand and at exceptional aquaponic quality.
  • The profits from this business will go back to Africa. In part, they will be used to expand farms, build new farms, and partly to the economic and social development of local communities and increase living standards. Partners will only have a minimum profit on sale.
  • Each farm will include an educational center.
  • All profits from these projects will be invested back in Africa, which will ensure the growth of wealth of the people of Africa, not the multinational corporations.
  • We will teach people in Africa how to better manage water and also teach them how to capture and use rainwater. We will teach them to behave gently to their environment.
  • The farms will be completely energy self-sufficient due to using solar panels, battery, biogas generators and heat pumps.
  • Each farm can produce 1 ton of leafy vegetables, 1 ton of tomatoes, strawberries, root vegetables, celery, onions and herbs DAY !!!
  • The production of fish from every farm will be 500 tons of African catfish and Tilapia a year.
  • Selected farms will serve as training centers for people from around the world.
  • The cost of the first project is $ 2 million and $ 100,000 a year for operation. Next projects will be funded from profits.
  • The farms are designed to produce absolutely no waste, they use no agrochemicals and leave almost no ecological footprint. The whole project does not burden the environment.
  • Part of the capacity of the fish farm will be used to breed local fish species, which will be planted back into rivers and lakes, which are now almost without fish.
  • Each farm will employ 70-90 people.

Our partner for this project is

ShineBean o.p.s.

operating in Kenya since 2006.

The aim of the NGO is to lead local people to their own activity and self-sufficiency.

  • we support the education of both children and adults
  • we fairly trade with skilled craftsmen
  • we support the development of small businesses and farmers
  • we work with schools, communities, churches

Our main project has become "SCHOOL TRAINING FARMS", in which we teach rural children and their parents to farm.

We operate in the Bondo area, which is traditionally a fishing region. However, the changed climatic conditions force locals to look for other sources of livelihood. As there is no tradition of field cultivation in this area, the lacking key to the development of farming is the know-how. That is why we build training farms at primary schools where we practically teach children and their parents about ecological farming. Our intention is to create a comprehensive education system that will enable students to gain knowledge from basics to specialization. The running farms will pass on the know-how and seeds to new farms. Gradually we will support new farmers even in the market.

Renata Rokůsková
director of the company

Hundreds of families will make living where they live, enrich the offer of food  on local markets and strengthen the local economy.

Aquaponics, which combines fish farming with growing vegetables or fruits fits perfectly in this area, and the situation.

We want to enable people in Europe and the US to effectively help people suffering from malnutrition and hunger.

The pilot project is planned for Kenya. We are negotiating about other projects with Botswana, South Africa and Nigeria. Many other countries have shown interest in this project. So let's start realizing together.


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Aquaponic Development Association-Georgia
Farma Raječek
Farmia food
Go Aquaponik
Hunger Fighters
Mendel University in Brno
The Young Agrarians´Society of the Czech Republic
The Venus Project
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague

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