Nigeria is interested in aquaponics 6.6.2018

Nigeria is interested in aquaponics

You may not know that aquaponics is perhaps the fastest growing sector of the food industry in the world this year . There are few people in the Czech Republic who know and we are still lagging behind the rest of the world. It could be said that nobody in the Czech Republic is interested in aquaponics except a few pioneers and self-confident investors. Nevertheless,  we'll do something about that, aren't we?

However, in countries that most Czechs consider to be underdeveloped or developing, the situation regarding aquaponics is quite different. An example of this may be the delegation of food industry entrepreneurs and government representatives from African Nigeria. This African country is struggling with a tough past and long-term stealing. Still, some 180 million people have to eat and the times are changing.

The delegation was tasked with finding modern ways of farming and new opportunities for food production. In Africa, they have long understood that the best they can do is take care of themselves. The Nigerian government is investing in import of technology and investment from the East. The biggest trading partner is China, which we can rightly consider to be the most progressive aquaponics power in the world with a huge potential and the desire to seize aquaponics at large. These factors have earned the Nigerian Embassy to request from the Czech Ministry of Agriculture the mediation of the presentation of Farma pro všechny. Interestingly, they found this business themselves in far Africa.

Our association has been invited to present its services and thus we have been able to show the overall picture of aquaponics services in the Czech Republic. We succeeded in doing so, and we gained not onlyadmiration and recognition, but also an invitation to Nigeria to negotiate with local investors on specific projects and realizations. We know it will not be easy, but that doesn't frighten us.

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Aquaponic Development Association-Georgia
Farma Raječek
Farmia food
Go Aquaponik
Hunger Fighters
Mendel University in Brno
The Young Agrarians´Society of the Czech Republic
The Venus Project
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague

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