How aquaponics is faring in the Czech Republic and Slovakia 18.5.2022

How aquaponics is faring in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

What is the current status of the aquaponics scene? How many companies are taking advantage of the tremendous potential of aquaponics? Let’s dive into the world of aquaponic farms. 

The Czech Republic is a little better at aquaponics

In the Czech Republic there are currently a number of small home farms and larger commercial aquaponic farms as well as farms used for research or educational purposes. In Slovakia there are a few dozen small hobby farms and research farms without significant production potential. 

7 major players in aquaponics in the CR

Commercial use of aquaponic farms in the CR is in its infancy; there are currently seven larger commercial farms in the country. The most significant in terms of production and experience are Future Farming Heršpice a.s., Future Farming Kaly s.r.o., and Flenexa plus s.r.o.

Future Farming in flight

In the Brno district of Dolní Heršpice you will find the largest commercial aquaponic farm in the Czech Republic. The grounds of the Future Farming company are dominated by heated greenhouses with vertical growing systems for various types of leafy vegetables and herbs as well as several dozen tanks with fish.

In Kaly, a municipality in the Brno-Country district, Future Farming has built the most modern aquaponic farmin the CR, featuring cutting-edge technology. The farm is also used as a research and educational center in cooperation with experts from: 

  • CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences,
  • Institute of Molecular Biology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences,
  • Mendel University in Brno,
  • University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, 
  • VSB – Technical University of Ostrava,
  • University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.

Future Farming uses this farm (in addition to production, optimization of growing procedures, and as a fish hatchery) for research and development of equipment to lower energy use and operating costs. The aim is to run the farm without using energy from fossil fuels.

In Letonice (Vyškov District) the company has started building its third aquaponic farm. This is its first greenland project (construction on a green meadow), which is another milestone in the journey to a green-blue future of foodstuffs.

Stable Flenexa plus

The longest continuously running aquaponic farm in the CR is Flenexa plus s.r.o. in Přáslavice in the Olomouc District. Besides aquaponics, this farm also focuses on hydroponics and sells growing systems for hobby and commercial growers. The company developed a monitoring system which keeps track of all parameters critical to the condition of living organisms.

New “in the Green”

A new, but very dynamic player in the market is inGreen s.r.o. With the aim of successful development, inGreen works with several well-known institutions:

  • Masaryk University – Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Science
  • Mendel University in Brno – Department of Zoology, Fisheries, Hydrobiology and Apiculture; Department of Agrosystems and Bioclimatology
  • Czech Academy of Sciences – Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
  • University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice – Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters

And that’s not all

Aquaponia s.r.o. is another relatively young company. On approximately 1,600 m2 you’ll find vertical growing systems as well as a shop with an interesting assortment. You can buy fresh fish, vegetables, or fishboxes – packages with ingredients for dinner.

And, last but by no means least, we must mention a farm focused on growing and selling microgreensCity Aquaponie s.r.o.

Interest in learning about aquaponics is constantly growing

The companies engaged in public education are primarily Future Farming and Flenexa. Future Farming has three educational farms. You can find aquaponic (and hydroponic, in one case) systems for educational purposes in these places:

Future Farming organizes webinars a records podcasts. At its science and research center/production farm in Kaly, the company is preparing to open an accredited educational program for students as well as educators. Flenexa arranges regular trainings, works in cooperation with schools, and provides custom workshops.

It’s slower in Slovakia

The first larger commercial aquaponic farm is being built in Senica (north of Bratislava) on the site of a revitalized brownfield. Future Farming is building this farm in cooperation with investors. It is Future Farming’s first international project

Another interesting company is Agro rybia farma Handlová, which is a significant producer of African sharptooth catfish as well as operating greenhouses with vegetables. Their method, however, is not aquaponics, but hydroponics with a recirculating system of raising fish. 

Will we see exponential growth in aquaponics?

Even though aquaponics is in its infancy in both countries, there is a clear desire for expansion and improvement. Let’s cross our fingers that nothing stops the expansion led by the experts we’ve mentioned, because aquaponics is our chance at a healthier future. And it could be a great solution to the current supply chain problem and the jump in prices.

Interested in newsletter

Aquaponic Development Association-Georgia
Farma Raječek
Farmia food
Go Aquaponik
Hunger Fighters
Mendel University in Brno
The Young Agrarians´Society of the Czech Republic
The Venus Project
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague

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